Sunday 27 November 2011

How To Cook Tofu ?

Tofu is normally packed in container with water. One of great tofu properties is that it acts like a sponge and absorbs other liquid it is combined with and that means it will also absorb other flavours. May it be from marinade, cooking sauce, seasoning or other ingredients you cook it with.Even if you marinate it for several hours or even overnight the end result will not be as good as if you dried it well in the first place. When you dry it well it can absorb more flavours in one hour of marinating then compared to overnight marination of non-dried tofu.It is a powerhouse of recipes that are intended for the whole family to enjoy. Browse yourself to the many recipes that are classified accordingly. Mouth watering chicken dishes are ready to be explored at your own convenience. Beef recipes will also delight you with how easy they're to prepare. Vegetables and fish recipes are also endless that you can have your heart's desire. While bodybuilders deprive themselves of sweets, Anabolic Cooking has a collection of well loved recipes that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Not just yours because you will be surprised at how your kids will also ask for more of what you have cooked.

Now that tofu is dry prepare marinade of your choice. Whatever you like. Tofu is now ready to absorb other flavours and it is going to taste wonderful. Guaranteed. When preparing marinade you can use whatever you like except tofu marinade does not combine well with oil. Use ginger, garlic, tamari, chilly, and/or any other ingredient.But what does it taste like? Usually not very nice. It has mild taste and strange texture. It tastes a little like wet socks. Not that I've tried wet socks. So the taste itself is not that compelling. But why do people love it so much, what is the secret of cooking tofu right?They provide all the information one needs to know about a particular subject. In the case of Anabolic Cooking, this cookbook is more than what it truly is. It is a powerhouse of ideas and an excellent source of healthy and delectable cooking.

A method which quite many amateur chefs may have never heard of is tagine cooking. Tagine food is so named since earthenware pots are usually used. These pots are often a circular container covered by a big domed lid. This way of cooking is commonly found in Moroccan cuisine.Nowadays tagines could be found in mage stores and home accessory stores alongside cookware. You can even find them on Amazon. There are a variety of tagines with different sizes and styles. The price could be as cheap at $20 or as expensive as $100 or more.he simplest way to do this is to soak the tagine in water for a few hours (you can place it in a washing sink). After that, dry the tagine and coat the interior of the base and the lid with a thin coat of olive oil. You then need to put it in an unheated oven before you raise the temperature to around 320 deg. Fahrenheit. Remove the tagine from the oven 2 hours later, allow it to cool down. Coat the tagine with another coat of olive oil.

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